Ever felt that the scooter is not performing as it did when it was new. Or having an off-feeling with the handling after some time, then you clearly have forgotten to maintain your scooter. If you regularly use your scooter then you must always maintain it for better riding and comfort. Here are some pro tips for maintaining your scooter in the long run
#1 Check for wear
Over time, the tires and brakes can wear out after repeated use. Since scooters have a set of small proportioned tires, it can easily lose its strength faster than normal tires used for vehicles. So, constantly keep an eye out any signs of wear to avoid accidents.
#2 Be gentle on brakes
Brakes frequently used to make sudden stops can flatten out the rear tires easily. For longer life on the wheels, it is best to practice using your foot and reduce the usage of the applying brakes. If necessary, you must gentle press the brake to lower the speed than another way around.
#3 Avoid wet terrains
Not all scooters are made for muddy or wet terrains. It may seem exciting to splash through the puddles but getting your bearing wet results in faster wear. Also, you may lose grip and slip if your deck gets muddy or wet.

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#4 Routine cleaning
It is a good habit to clean your scooters regularly. If you use your scooter daily, it is better to clean it at least once in a week. Or once in a monthly, you rarely get time to use them. Wipe down all the dust and dirt with a clean cloth and use a wet cloth to get rid of tough strains. Dry it well before storing it away. This will prevent the accumulation of dirt and will keep your scooter as new as ever.
#5 Tight any loose ends
Nuts on wheels, handlebars and deck can get lose with impacts. If you are one of those who perform scooter stunts, you would know that nuts don't work well under pressure. You are a beginner and learning new scooter stunts then it is always good to check and tighten them in time.
#6 Switch wheels
Rear wheels wear out faster than front wheels. You can remove them together and occasionally switch between the two until you need the both get replaced. This will prolong the life of the wheels and balance out each other.
#7 Apply lube
Lubricants and oils can keep the wheels spinning more smoothly and improves your speed. Combine your cleaning routine with lubrication and see how better your scooter can perform without any hindrance. Make sure you are not using too much which may make the wheels slippery.
#8 Change worn out parts
It is inevitable to lose your scooter parts one time or another no matter how much care you put into them. Maintenance will improve its performance and life but you need to make a replacement if you have worn out wheels and grip tapes. When replacing one of these, get a fresh set of nuts to renew your scooter life.